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Why Guest Blogging is Still Important for Your SEO

Bo Manry

One of the key factors in search engine optimization are links. Both internal and external links are important for building a solid seo strategy and development of your blog and website.

Of course, the actual link of your post or page is what we are talking about. Once a post is created, that unique url is used to create your outbound link when sharing to social sites, PR sites, news sites, newletters, ads, and any other methods you use to share fresh content. All of these links will create incoming links to your site recognized by the search engines which will work towards creating better optimization.

Also important to your seo is building a solid audience that will bring traffic to your site. After all, that incoming traffic is why you are working hard on your seo. Conversions will increase as you establish yourself as an authority in your particular field. But how do you build authority if you are new to blogging? Guest blogging is one method that has been known to be a solid and effective method.

Guest blogging has been knocked a bit as a tool to use for incoming link in terms of Google’s eyes. See Matt Cutts article from 2014 on that topic. However, if you establish a connection with bloggers that are similar to you in business, writing unique and relevant content that correlates with your expertise, placing them on sites that are slightly higher to you in terms of followers and authority will start to bring you the authority you need.

How Does Guest Blogging Help Your SEO

So how does this help your seo? Within your content, you can place an anchor link to an article, tip piece, or whitepaper, etc. you wrote on your own site that correlates to the subject. Also in your author by-line will be a link to your site in which many authors will set up a special landing page with a distinct call to action to convert your new readers to followers. You will also want to include links to any other articles that backup your content or add facts and detail.

The key is to choose quality sites and blogs that are relevant to you and your business in which to place your articles. But also be open to sharing guest posts on your own site, in turn building a community of sites where you can share information. Posting more than one article on a site will help build your authority even more.

SEO is a compilation of many factors and using guest blogging opportunities selectively will be a great addition to your overall strategy.
