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3 Tips to Use Information You Gained at a Live Event or Conference

Bo Manry

Attending conferences and live events are a fabulous way to gain new skills, learn about what’s new in the industry, and make new connections.

The amount of information that you’re learning at your live events can be overwhelming. We take good notes. We come home with booklets and business cards and massive amounts of information that we are intent upon using to improve our business and personal life.

But then life happens. Our folders and notebooks end up sitting on our desk. The information is there but we don’t get a chance to actually start applying it like we promised ourselves we would.

Does this sound like you?

These live events are loaded with information critical not only to our business but they also add passion into our business and personal life too.

Here are some ways that you can start incorporating that information this week.

3 Tips to Use Information You Gained at a Live Event or Conference

Dig Out Your Notes and Calendar

Set aside an hour today and refresh your memory by going through all of your notes. Place into your calendar blocks of time to start working on those activities needed to incorporate the things you learned. Whether its 30 minutes a day or an hour a day, the only way were going to get it done is to make it a priority. 

Start Following Up with People

Send follow-up cards, email notes, and connection requests to people you connected with at the events. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter –wherever you can find them. If it’s beneficial to your business, set up face-to-face meetings, if they are local, or make phone calls to reconnect and start developing those relationships and sharing information.

Share the Information with Others

Who do you know that would benefit from some of the tips and tricks you learned? Your boss? Colleagues? Coworkers? Share the skills and knowledge you learned with others that may benefit as well. Maybe even give a talk at work or a conference call to share with those that would benefit from your experiences.

Another idea is to write your notes into bullet points and email it out to others that would benefit from learning the tips.

Paying it forward is always nice and perhaps you’ll get some beneficial knowledge back in exchange.

Start This Week

Start this week by blocking out time in your calendar, pulling out those notes, and applying the knowledge you’ve learned. Then make note of how the changes have impacted you and your business for the next event that you attend. 
