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Top Tips for Building Your Brand

Bo Manry

Starting a business today is so much more than waking up one day and deciding to do it. There are so many things to consider. One of which is are you ready to be the solopreneur? You are the product. You are the brand. And building that brand properly is something that you need to consider as well.

In every small business is the desire to become that successful entrepreneur and make a name for yourself and your growing business. Creating your brand is an important step in the creation of your new business and there are some things that you need to consider as you begin to develop and evolve.

Here are some top tips to consider when developing your brand for your small business plan.

  1. Creating Your Small Business Niche – No matter the size of business you are building, you have a niche. Sometimes the niche comes during the creation. But sometimes the niche develops as you begin to build your brand. Identifying your unique place in the market and embracing it is important in separating yourself from your competitors and developing your unique business perspective and direction.
  2. What is Your Marketing Message – Developing your marketing message is something that is going to evolve. There are many factors in this development. Who is your customer? What is your target market? What are you offering them? How do you speak to their needs? All of these are part of a plan of action that you need to create and follow to a cohesive message.
  3. Remember to Include You – Don’t forget about you. You are a huge part of your brand, not your product. Networking, speaking engagements, and attending events is going to help build your brand. People will begin to associate you with your brand and what you do.
  4. Logo and Brand Management – Develop a logo that you will use across all of your marketing messages. Some people will use a design. Others use a name. Color can be a factor too. Carry that logo throughout your brand management from local to marketing materials.
  5. Social Media Connections – Add in social media to your brand. Carry across your logo and message to help with the development across your local and internet message.
  6. Customer Experience and Word of Mouth – These two generally go hand in hand. When you develop your unique customer experience that you are offering, their take away should be one that will naturally impress enough to rate and review your product in a positive manner, leading to word of mouth recommendations. That is a powerful tool to have in your brand.
  7. Positive Reputation – This portion of your brand speaks loudly and is something that really cannot be bought. You have to have the desire to impress from the get go so that your reputation speaks the loudest. Identify the steps your company needs to take for a great reputation.

Developing your brand includes so much of your customer’s experience, the look and design of your logo, how you represent yourself and your company, as well as how you come across in your messaging. A work in progress, building your brand is an important part of developing your niche and growing it across all areas.
