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SEO on a Budget

Bo Manry

As a small business owner you may not have the budget that larger competitors may have when it comes to developing your SEO and your online presence. However, if you have the time and the dedication, you can do your SEO on a budget and do it well.

Here's some tips that you can use to get started on your SEO for your small business and developing it on a budget.

* Sign up for Google Analytics and learn how to use it. You need to know at a minimum the keywords that people use to find your site and what pages they are visiting. When you do become more familiar with Google Analytics there are plenty of other factors in there that you can use and learn.

* Take the time to research competition. Find out where they are advertising and keywords that they are using. See what they're doing on social media and make note of their other marketing practices online. Check out my article on this topic here.

* Plan your calendar to include creation of solid content on a consistent basis as well as building online relationships through your social media channels.

* Work on your content for your website by improving your pages and all of the in-depth information that your website needs. For more tips check out my article on this topic.

* Work on your offsite links and SEO. Build connections with like businesses and websites for guest articles. There are more tips in my article on this topic that you can check out here.

* Use SEO add-on plugins for your website that allows you to write a unique title for every page that shows on the search results. This allows you to reinforce what the page is about to the reader and the search engine in 55 characters or less.

* Also use that add-on tool to include a unique meta-description which gives you 160 characters to describe the topic of the page. This is a great way to persuade and talk to your potential reader directly in the search engine results.

* Take the time to learn what the proper keywords would be for your site. This is including regular keywords, long tail keywords, and any keywords that you are specifically using for ads of any kind.

* Make sure use your keywords in the proper places such as in the URL, in the page title, in your header, alt tags in your image, and in your meta description.

* Always focus on content. This doesn't mean writing for the search engine and making sure that the keyword is placed 20 times in your article page. What this means is focus on your readers needs and wants to bring the highest quality tips and information to the table. This is going to mean the most to search engines and your placement ultimately in the SEO results.

For more tips like these, check out more of my SEO articles to learn even more on how to work and build your SEO on a budget. Also sign up for my newsletter so you never miss a post.
