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Low-cost or Free Marketing Ideas for Local Small Business

Bo Manry

One of the things that a small business start-up realizes is that money can only go so far. Looking for and utilizing low-cost and free marketing ideas is one way to keep your budget in line.

* One of the first things you want to do is work on great content. Not only does this mean content for your website but also add a blog for articles that you can share across the Internet.

* Your social media accounts are a great place to market your product and business. Create amazing images to go along with your blog articles but also for sharing the messages through social media.

* A super-strong and free marketing tool is definitely videos. You can use instructional messages to teach and train people. Or just have some fun sharing some behind-the-scenes things about your business.

* Infographics are another great tool you can use that are very powerful for marketing. They are easy to get your message across while giving great content. Plus people love to share them with will bring you valuable links and traffic.

* Repurpose and reuse older content. If you have abundant content on your website blog then you can refresh it with new images and rewrite for new content to share.

* What about offering a class at your local business or a webinar for an online business? These not only allow you a way to give back to others with information your followers and customers want, but they also bring you great connections to like-minded people.

* Another powerful tool is your email list. You've been invited into your clients and customers mailbox and with that you can carry so many messages them to them that they want to read. Tips, tricks, training's, product information, industry information, you name it, can be utilized and sent through the email system. Encourage customers and followers to sign up for your emails on a regular basis and at every event that you attend.

* You can also run a contest or giveaway on your social media accounts or in your local shop to increase your visibility and encourage participation. These are great for not only increasing followers, but to also bring your business to the forefront.

It doesn't have to cost a lot of money to do marketing for your small business. There are so many different avenues you can use with just a little bit creativity and some time. Watch what others are doing with their business marketing and see how you can use similar tactics to your small businesses benefit.
