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Leverage Offline Marketing Tools for Online Success

Bo Manry

It doesn’t matter if your business is completely online, completely offline or located in both places, marketing your business needs to be cross promoted for the most success.

Offline marketing tools are still a valuable and cost effective manner of advertising and when you cross promote your website, you will get a double bang for your buck.

How many times have you seen a television ad that directs you to a specific landing page on a website for a “valuable offer”? Special TV rates or free shipping deals are a normal offering. Maybe you also ended up signing up for their newsletter for future upcoming promotions or informational tips and ideas.  A double score for the business as you will now be on their mailing list and open to other offers and sales.

Interestingly enough, the method of promotion for you to find that deal or free offer was through a traditional marketing method, not an online search. Leveraging your offline marketing tools can help your online success rate.  Here is how:

Leverage Offline Marketing Tools for Online Success

Networking – the one on one method of promoting your business has been through networking and it is still a great way to promote your business as well as having others promote your business too. Take time to meet people offer your special deals and landing page online.

Print Ads – Print media is still a valuable form of promotion. People still do enjoy reading newspapers and magazines and now many of these ads are also cross published online too.

Radio or TV – One of the markets where you can reach thousands, developing a great radio or TV ad can change your business. You can target the community and create specialty landing pages and deals as needed.

Direct Mail - Marketing materials like postcards and flyers are great for use to either hand out to people you meet or to use for direct mailing. How long has it been since you received a mailer? Businesses have been reducing their use but they still work great! An affordable method for driving people to your site.

Business Cards – You can never have too many business cards. These are easy to carry and hand out. You can customize offers on a business card for a free offer or download. Plus people tend to hang on to them for a long time, just in case they are needed!

Seminars or Free Events – Create a class or seminar and offer it to the business community. You get to talk face to face with likeminded people. Plus it is a wonderful way to advertise your business via handouts, books, and marketing materials. Then you can take that class and create a download for your business site too. Using powerpoint, slideshare or even simple pdf’s. Double the bang for your time and effort.

In today’s market, it is important to leverage all of your marketing efforts so that they can be cross promoted online and offline. Directing folks to your website allows you the means to capture emails, grow sales, and serve your customers well.
