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How a Positive Attitude Affects You and Your Business

Bo Manry

I like to start each blog with a quote that I find which inspires me. Today's quote is by Brian Tracy.

“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” Brian Tracy

I want to discuss a topic that is very important in how you go through life. This one thing about you that affects how you view the world, how you let things affect you and ultimately how all of this relates to your life, your relationships as well as your business. This one time thing is your ATTITUDE.

Your attitude can make the difference in whether your day is going to be a good one or a bad one. Your attitude can make the difference in how people perceive you as an individual. Are you always a happy person? Has anyone ever told you that you seem to always be positive? Well, if they haven't, then maybe you need to re-evaluate your attitude. Your attitude affects your personality which affects how people perceive you as a person. This perception can lead to how you're employees interact with you and how your friends think of you as well.

If you are one of those people that are always negative, eventually you will find that you are alone. People don't like being around people that are always negative. Negativity breeds bad things. We have all heard the saying that we reap what we sow.

I have I a friend that seems to always be the one that things always happen to. If anything can go wrong, it seems to always happens to him. You see, he is a very negative person. He is always complaining about how things never go his way, he can't advance in his career, but the reality is that he also doesn't do anything to personally advance himself either. He is so negative that if the universe needed to direct to some negative energy, it seems to find him. The negativity doesn't stop with him because it affects me when I am around him. In general, I am not as happy when I am around him.

Now, don’t misunderstand me, bad things do happen to good people that in general, are positive people. But, it is how you deal with the situation that is important. When I came down with a potentially fatal illness, I could have had an attitude of poor me. But, I don't think I ever viewed it that way. My attitude was life is like a game of cards, you can either play or fold. I love life and decided to play the game. I will reserve my personal story for another blog. But I share that little bit because my attitude could have been the difference between living and dying.

I started this blog with a quote from Brian Tracy. He said that we should develop an attitude of gratitude and give thanks for everything that happens to us. While not everything that happens to us in life is wonderful and happy, we should view every situation as a learning experience. It is life's lessons that teach us how to better ourselves, our relationships, our business and ultimately our attitude. Wake up each day and choose to have an attitude of gratitude that God gave you one more day here on earth to spend with the people that matter most to you.
