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How a Long Tail Keyword Can Help Your SEO

Bo Manry

In our last article, How to Find Keywords That Work for Your Business, we talked about keywords for your small business and how to find the right ones for your specific niche. In a sea of words, sometimes it is tough to know which ones to use! That is why you change them each time you write an article and update your site.

Today I want to expand a bit on the topic of keywords and talk about the concept of a Long Tail Keyword. Here is a snippet from the last article where I introduced the term:

“For instance, let’s look at the term – “houses”. If you are searching for a new house and begin your search using this keyword, you will bring up millions of articles, tips, for sale sites and more.

However, if you refine your search to “houses for sale” and then refine it even more to your state or city and even the style of home you are looking for, you are now using Long Tail Keywords. These will bring up more focused results. That is what we are looking for when choosing keywords for your business.”

So now you know what a long tail keyword is and when you are doing your keyword research you will be seeing a lot of phrases and long tail KW coming up in your results. Using these longer phrases is the key to laser targeted traffic giving your SEO the boost it needs.

Working with SEO in this fashion is not only smart but your results will show in your analytics. You will see the incoming words being used to find your site. Maybe there are new ones there that have not been used. Use them to gain even more targeted traffic.

Continue to practice using the long tail keywords in your copy and articles so that they are used smoothly and integrated into your copy cleanly and without excess. Remember that Google and the other search engines are great at reading synonyms so once you use your keyword in your title and in your copy, you don’t have to keep repeating it throughout. You can refer to it in other descriptive words.

Take the time to do your keyword research to find the best words for your topic and your business niche.

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