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3 Quick Ways that Google Helps with Your SEO

Bo Manry

If there is one that I know about search engine optimization it is that a) many people are afraid of it and b) many people make it more complicated than it really needs to be. Okay, that is two.

Granted, there are many things that you can do with your website that can be helpful in improving your status and optimizing your site. However, did you know that Google actually offers many tools and tips to help you with your seo?

Each time you use the Google search engine or their services, there are tools within that can help your seo, if you know what you are looking for and choose to utilize them.

Check out these:

3 Quick Ways that Google Helps with Your SEO

One of the first ways that you see when you do a search is the keyword recommendations that drop down as you begin to key in your search phrases.  These phrases are popular searches that can also be used as key phrases on your website or within an article.  

Another option is the recommended alternate searches that show at the bottom of the results page after you do a search. These are popular searches that correlate with your search and are great alternatives to possibly add to your seo keyword list.

Google Analytics is a free resource that is highly valuable for website owners. This tool gives you massive amount of information on your visitors that you can use both in your business and for your seo. From the keyword searches that your visitors use to find you to information on your visitors for target market analysis, the analytics are a valuable resource that you can utilize for free.

These three quick resources are just some of the tools that Google offers its users. There are so many more resources that you can use as well. Webmaster Tools is another resource loaded with information and tools that small businesses can capitalize on in order to expand and grow your business on the web.

For a beginner, these three quick resources are a good starting place. Take the time to learn and use Google Analytics as well as expand your knowledge of seo terms that are right for your business for the results you want to see in your website.

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